
Thursday, October 27, 2011



  • Support a child’s special education @ 1500/- per month
  • Fund the transport of a child @ Rs 800 / - per month
  • Sponsor nutrition of a child (Breakfast & Lunch) @  Rs 500 / - per month and an adult @700/- per month
  • Be a benefactor of the child’s speech, physiotherapy or occupational therapy, each @ Rs 1250 / - per month
  • Counseling for family @ Rs 500 / - per month
  • Aid the IQ assessment programme for a child @ Rs 100/- per month
  • Provide for the special medicines  for a child @ Rs.800/- to Rs.1000/-pm
  • Sponsor breakfast for a day for 40 children – Rs. 1500/-
  • Sponsor regular lunch for a day for 40 children – Rs.  1600/-
  • Sponsor special lunch for a day for 40 children – Rs. 2400/-
  • Invest in the future of a child and earn immeasurable happiness and contentment…take your step TODAY!



Part time - Administration
Full time - Child-related activities
  • Organizing events.
  • Public Relation
  • Brand Ambassador
  • Mentoring
  • Sourcing material for products
19 volunteers signed up for doing volunteer work at Shristi. Of these, Anil Kumar, Neha Toshniwal, Deepak MVS and Mohana were regular. They assisted in teaching children functional academics, music and games and helped in various administrative jobs. Apart from these we had scores of volunteers who signed up from MNC”S like Cisco Systems, Progeon, Sapient, P, Accenture etc.

They visited the campus on event days and working Saturdays and spent time in entertaining the children, painting the campus, taking children for picnics, making teaching aids and in tutoring students. The Volunteer Mentors dedicated their time to building awareness about the activities of Shristi, in getting more volunteers to sign up and in getting child sponsors for nutrition, medication and therapy. They also contributed ideas and their time for training staff.


As part of the rehabilitation programme, regular counseling and guidance sessions were held for the children and their parents. Through these sessions, parents are supported and empowered in dealing with various problems which hinder the normal functioning of the family. Directors, Psychologist, Medical Social worker and administrators are actively involved in the process.

Home visits and Home Based Programmes

Home visits are an integral part of the Rehabilitation process. It helps in understanding the client's home environment,collateral contacts of the client and to study the Psycho-Social and Economic status of children. Shristi's Medical Social Worker visited many of the children's homes and documented the reports of these visits.

Home-based programmes are provided to help parents who cannot send their children with disabilities to dcm school regularly due to location or other factors. During these programmes, the parents are trained in various skills so as to carry out the same at home.

Parents, of children with different problems like Autism, Mental Retardation, Cerebral Palsy, and Speech Delay attended this programme. Activities carried out and the interventions programmes undertaken for each child were

  • Intake
  • Assessment
  • Psychotherapy
  • Physiotherapy
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Counseling
  • Speech Therapy

One of the major achievements of this academic year was the initiation of ongoing Parent Training Programmes which were comprehensive and need based.Parent Orientation programme cum get-together for parents was followed by a Graduation Ceremony .many Parents attended the programme.

 Parents Training Programme on Adolescent Behaviour was conducted . Parent Skill Building Training (for parents of children in Early Intervention, Primary and Respite Care programmes) was conducted It was on 'Activities of Daily Living' and it was followed by a Parent Training Questionnaire to assess needs.

Counselling Services

Comprehensive screening and assessment of children with specific learning disabilities and other developmental disabilities. Counselling in specific areas for children and adolescents Parental guidance and counseling for better child management at home Support services and counseling to families with children with medical problems.

Assisting other NGOs and networking for the welfare of children Organizing and conducting seminars and workshops Propagating and creating awareness on disability related issues Training programmes for schools on identifying and working with children with problems Publishing a newsletter to promote awareness about special education Opportunities are being provided for children to learn music, dance, and swimming thereby helping them to acquire recreation and leisure skills

Special Services

Special Services

Comprehensive screening and assessment of children with specific learning disabilities and other developmental disabilities. Counselling in specific areas for children and adolescents Parental guidance and counseling for better child management at home Support services and counseling to families with children with medical problems Assisting other NGOs and networking for the welfare of children Organizing and conducting seminars and workshops Propagating and creating awareness on disability related issues.

Training programmes for schools on identifying and working with children with problems Publishing a newsletter to promote awareness about special education Opportunities are being provided for children to learn music, dance, and swimming thereby helping them to acquire recreation and leisure skills.


SERVICES - mandatory to all children as a part of the scientifically designed individualized educational programme

  • Multi-disciplinary assessment
  • Individualized educational plan
  • Speech therapy
  • Psychological Services
  • Physiotherapy
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Social Work Services
  • Counselling Services
  • Recreation
  • Mobility Services
  • Assistive devices
  • Vocational Training
  • On the job training
  • Functional Academics

The services offered include:

Habilitation services Therapeutic Intervention, Multi-Sensory Stimulation, Language Stimulation, Family Counseling, psychotherapy, Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Experiential Cognitive Learning
Resource materials Teaching aids Equipment, Stationery-paints/ crayons/ toys/ games/ story books/activity books/ log books, recording sheets, Audio-visual aids etc.,
Transport facility Transport facility provided to pick and drop children from their home, Outings-field trips and Sales
Medical facility Medicines, Medical screening/ investigations, Any other specialist treatment etc.,
Nutritional supplement Lunch, milk, fruits, snacks, juice, other complementary nutritional supplement- need based etc.,

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

dcm school

Ones, one of my neighbour aunt give birth to boy child. Everyone was very happy. But after some years we come to know that, the boy is mentally retarded. He is slow Lerner or in normal term Abnormal. Then suddenly, the attitude of looking at that boy of his relatives changed. They started hating him and treat very badly. That aunty was also gets frustrated. Than that aunt took him in slow learner’s school and after that, boy become confident enough to survive with the help of his mother.
We saw many cases like this around us. Many people treat Mentally Retarded or slow learner children as ‘fools’. But it’s very cruel thing. They are also like normal people only. They just mentally grow slowly. In this case we should help them & shouldn’t tease. There is less awareness about these children and their problems. Many Institutes and organisations work for these children’s. One of them is (NEWLIGHTCHARITABLETRUST )DIVINE CROSS MISSION SPECIAL SCHOOL FOR MENTALLY RETARDED
NEWLIGHT Charitable Trust has been running Divine cross mission special school for mentally retarded Centre since 2000 for the mentally retarded children in NEYVELI. "There is no cure for mental retardation. But if neglected it creates a number of problems to the children and their families." NEWLIGHT Charitable Trust, keeping this in mind, started a centre where these children could be trained to make them self-sufficient. At present there are 45 children in the age group of 8-28 years. To train these children they have 2 SPECIAL EDUCATOR QUALIFIED teachers who are doing this noble job. . The trustees and the staff put in their best effort to bring all round development of the children so that they can join to the main stream of the society.
Besides teaching daily activities in life, the centre imparts special training in dance, music, drama, yoga and sport. These children have got many prizes in this also. The children are made self sufficient by teaching them the salable items like Greeting cards, Seasonal items like Rakhees, Envelope, Cotton flowers (Organdi),meadical cover, Garlands of plastic flowers, many types of chatanies and much more things and the best thing is that, they sale this product and also get money for their work from institute.